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Performance Tuning


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Tuning nzyme-node

The performance section of your nzyme-node configuration file lets you fine-tune certain parameters that will influece the resource usage and performance of your nzyme nodes.

Report Processing

Reports sent by taps can contain a lot of data and lead to a lot of parsing and database inserts. This process is multithreaded by default, and you can increase the number of threads to speed up processing.

It is important to keep total number of available threads/cores on your CPUs in mind when setting a parallel processing configuration like this.

# Performance tuning.
performance: {
  # How many threads work on processing incoming tap reports.
  report_processor_pool_size: 3


Tuning nzyme-tap

CPU Threads

The performance section of your nzyme-tap configuration file contains variables for how many parallel threads the taps will spin up for data processing.

Assuming nzyme-tap is the only resource-intensive process running on the host, you should aim to configure as many parallel nzyme threads as your CPU can run, minus at least one thread reserved for the operating system and other nzyme tasks. Configuring more nzyme threads than your CPU can run in parallel will not lead to an error but can negatively affect performance.

For example, if your CPU can run 8 threads in parallel (4 cores with HyperThreading) and you are collecting a lot of Ethernet data, you could configure the following:

ethernet_brokers = 5
wifi_brokers = 1

This will give nzyme 5 threads in parallel to process Ethernet data, one thread to process WiFi data and still leave two threads for everything else.

WiFi traffic tends to be very low and you will often reach sufficient performance with a single thread for the wifi_broker.

There is no one single formula, because hardware, environment and data can be so different from setup to setup. It is recommended to play around with these parameters after making a first best guess.

Buffer Sizes

One goal of nzyme-tap is to move recorded data out of the capture handle and into its own processing logic. This way, the data queuing is under our control and no packets are lost in case of a backlog. To accomplish this, nzyme-tap only performs very rudimentary packet parsing before moving the data into an in-memory buffer. Brokers are reading data from that buffer as fast as they can, perform more parsing and submit the parsed data into channels for processing.

The default broker buffer sizes are fairly large and assume that the tap is not running on an extremely memory-constraint environment like, for example, embedded systems. In such a case, lowering the buffer capacities can be helpful.

Another reason to lower buffer capacities is to avoid memory exhaustion from extremely large packets. If you receive huge packets, even a small amount of them could cause issues by running out of memory.

A reason to raise the buffer capacities would be to increase parallel throughput of packets. If you are in an extremely high-throughput environment, the default buffers might be simply too small to keep all packets in them before they are processed.

In case of dropped packets, you will see warnings in the nzyme-tap log file as well as on the taps details page. In addition, a TAP_DROP or TAP_BUFFER health indicator will be triggered and subscribed actions executed.

The broker buffer size configuration looks like this:

wifi_broker_buffer_capacity = 65535
ethernet_broker_buffer_capacity = 65535