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Common Error Messages

There are some error messages that often appear as the consequence of certain failure scenarios. This list of such errors is supposed to help you identify and fix the issue.

HTTP 413 Payload Too Large

A tap fails to submit reports to your nzyme nodes with an error similar to this:

Could not send report. Received response code [HTTP 413 Payload Too Large]

It means that the HTTP server of the receiving nzyme node rejected the status submission because it was too large. There is a limit to how large POST requests to the HTTP server can be. The default is 50 MB, which should be plenty, but can be increased in your nzyme-tap.conf like this:

interfaces: {
  rest_listen_uri: ...
  http_external_uri: ...

  http_max_post_size: 104857600 # Set maximum HTTP POST payload size to 100 MB